All posts by HOA Secretary

Spring Yard Debris Bin

Hello All,

With spring now here and along with it some annual yard maintenance, there will be a bin for yard waste located in the pool parking lot beginning Friday, April 12 and in place through April 28.

Please note that this is for Yard Debris only. We incur a considerable additional fee whenever there is trash placed in it, so let’s please be considerate and help keep the costs for this service down for everyone.

Thank you – HOA Board

HOA Board – Last Chance to Vote

Hello All,

Voting in the HOA election ends this week, so you still have time to cast your vote. Voting will end on Wednesday, November 22nd.

We actually still remain short of the 65 votes required for a quorum, so every vote counts.

If we still remain short of votes after voting ends, we will be required to hold another membership meeting with the quorum reduced to 5%, which is an expense I am sure we would all prefer to avoid.

Thank you all for your time.

Best Regards,

Adams Point HOA Board of Directors

Important- July Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you all are having a good summer. 

As was stated several weeks ago, the majority of our neighbors are enjoying the pool and our neighborhood without any difficulties.  Regrettably, there continue to be issues that require further communication and action.  All of these issues can be summarized as willfully disrespectful or even dangerous behaviors.

Examples regarding the pool include:

  • People throwing open container drinks into the bathroom, requiring the attendants to spend considerable time cleaning up.
  • People intentionally pouring drinks into the pool itself to spite the attendant
  • Flagrant abuse of the No Alcohol policy
  • People continue to smoke / vape in the bathrooms
  • Refusal to follow reasonable requests from the attendants, such as reducing the volume on radios or speakers.  There have even been instances where individuals have intentionally increased the volume when they were asked to lower it. 
  • Non-Residents using the pool through borrowing of wristbands / fobs from others, or simply entering by piggybacking off of others

Worst of all, there continues to be abuse directed at the attendants themselves, which includes adults shouting, using profane language towards them, and being physically intimidating.  I will re-iterate what was stated in mid June, because it is vital that this is crystal clear to everyone:

Aquatech and their employees (this includes the attendants) are responsible for the management of the pool.  They are there to enforce the rules and policies that have been agreed to by everyone.  It is within their discretion to ask anyone to leave the pool for any violation of the rules.

Please also note that while the management is delegated from the board of the directors, the directors also have the authority to enforce these rules, up to and including requesting someone to leave if necessary, and can suspend use of the pool for any of the violations listed above (as agreed to in the pool rules everyone signed).

Consequently, we (the board) are taking the following actions:

  • We have suspended pool / amenity privileges for some residents, and we will continue to do so for any abuse of these rules, including abuse by any of their guests.  These behaviors must stop and they WILL be stopped. 
  • Effective immediately, coolers are subject to inspection by the attendant upon entry to the pool. 

Let us put this another way – Adams Point has upwards of 3000 people living here.  We distributed roughly 1900 pool bands for this season.  The pool is an amenity for the use of EVERYONE, and as such the rules are established to ensure it remains an inviting and family friendly environment.  Currently, it does not feel that way for far too high a portion of the neighborhood – you would be surprised at the number of complaints and concerns we receive to this effect.  We would certainly hope that everyone that lives here understands that this is not acceptable. 

Lastly, there have also been some non-pool related issues that we need to mention:

  • Dumping of yard waste into common areas around the neighborhood is prohibited.  Violation can result in fines.
  • A reminder that a golf cart is considered a motor vehicle.  There have been many reports and direct observations of reckless driving / behavior, often by young people.  Please note they should only be operated by a licensed driver since the roads are state maintained.

Thank you for your time.

Adams Point HOA Board

Christmas Tree Dumpster – Dec 27 to Jan 16

Hello All,

The HOA has provided a Christmas Tree dumpster for residents to dispose of their live Christmas trees. This dumpster is only for Christmas trees and other organic Christmas greenery.

Please note – abuse of this amenity will result in significantly increased fees from the dumpster company, and may require removal of this amenity. The dumpster will be under 24/7 security camera surveillance.

We hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you many blessings in the coming New Year!

Your Neighbors-

Adams Point Board of Directors