Tag Archives: restrictions

ARC guidelines 2021


The Adams Point board, in accordance with Article VII of the covenants, has created the attached ARC Guidelines to aid members in the consideration and submission of architectural modifications.

The guidance does not override or replace the covenants, but provides more detail on items that may be in question. This will help to continue to establish consistent restrictions and approvals for the future.

NOTE- It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to get an APPROVED ARC Request PRIOR to committing to a modification on your lot. Starting working prior to approval can be subject to costly removal and or fines.

See the following link to the ARC Guidelines.

2021 Adams Point ARC Guidelines

Pool security – added level due to trespassers

Adams Point HOA Members and Residents,

The HOA board has elected to hire a Sheriff’s Deputy to provide security at the pool during the weekends.  The first weekend of the pool opening, a series of incidents occurred which played a part in this decision.  Both incidents involved trespassers, one included assault and alcohol (no physical injury) and another with belligerent and embolden individuals questioning our authority to make them leave the property.  This past weekend another incident occurred, fortunately the confrontation did not escalate beyond a verbal exchange; and temperatures have yet to get over 90.

With many community pools having to enforce a higher level of restrictions and some choosing not to open this season, the board wants to make sure HOA members and residents’ pool access is not hindered by trespassers.  An extra level of security will be to the benefit of everyone over the next few weeks and the board will make adjustments to the Sheriff’s schedule as needed. 

We ask all members and residents to help us, your board and neighbors, make sure your time at the pool is enjoyable and stress-free by following the rules; signing in, wearing your wristbands, and carrying your key fob.  If everyone is doing their part, it will reduce the chance of your time at the pool being affected or interrupted.  

Thank you in advance.
Your HOA Board, Your Neighbor